We will gladly accept your rough sketches, label samples or artwork.
We are PC based and accept a variety of files dependent on the print process being used.
If you do not have the correct format or need design advice then please phone or email us to discuss it, we may be able to help you directly, we can do simple artwork design for free, or we will recommend an appropriate graphic design company for any concept design work.
Preferred File Type - PRESS READY PDF
CDR - Corel Draw
EPS - vector
Please embed all fonts or convert to curves/paths
Preferred File Type - PRESS READY PDF
CDR - Corel Draw
EPS - vector
JPEG - At least 300dpi at actual size
BMP or TIFF, minimum 300dpi
Please embed all fonts or convert to curves/paths
If you require a bleed, please make it 1mm and clearly shown. For all cut paths, please make the line magenta and 0.25pt thick
All printers as well as designers and pre-press houses are now faced with receiving numerous files of various formats from clients. Getting the wrong file type, low res images and missing fonts etc can be cause of frustration and can end up costing time and money. If artwork can be supplied in the formats listed above then we are on the way to having a smooth and efficient proofing process.
Here at Sticky our preferred file type is a Press Ready PDF. A Press Ready PDF is basically a file that can be created from many programmes (Mac or PC) and contains all the fonts and high resolution images that we need to get a high quality print result. All of the professional publishing programs, such as Adobe Indesign, Adobe Illustrator, Quark Express, Coreldraw, Freehand, support exporting to a Press Ready PDF.
A PDF that is not Press Ready may still be able to be used, please just email it to us and we can check.
Likewise we are happy to check any format and will give the appropriate advice.
Contact us or Email: art@sticky.co.nz